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TEMAT: C&R do poczytania

C&R do poczytania 2014/11/04 10:48 #136624

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Ostatnio zmieniany: 2014/11/12 17:52 przez Jacek Nadolny.

c&r do poczytania 2014/11/12 17:48 #136984

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Gdzie są polskie prace naukowe na ten temat ;)

1) Effects of a Catch-and-Release Regulation on a Wild Trout Population in Colorado and Its Acceptance by Anglers 1984
From 1979 to 1982, the trout population of the catch-and-release area on the South Platte River was dominated by rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri, had a biomass as high as 667 kg/hectare, and 50% of the trout were greater than 30 cm long. In contrast, the trout population of an area with standard regulations (eight trout per day) was dominated by brown trout (Salmo trutta), had a maximum biomass of 219 kg/hectare, and only 17% of the population were longer than 30 cm. The difference in trout population characteristics was attributed to the harvest rates of the respective areas. Rainbow trout were found to be more vulnerable to angling than brown trout, and Age 3 + and older trout were more exploited than young/smaller fish. Catch rates averaged 48% greater in the catch-and-release area than in the standard-regulation section that had the benefit of catchable-trout stocking. The catch rate of trophy-sized trout (longer than 38 cm) was 28 times greater in the catch-and-release area than in the harvest area.

Chyba nie ma wątpliwości, że odpowiednie stosowanie C&R ma sens :)
2) Physiological Response of Some Economically Important Freshwater Salmonids to Catch-and-Release Fishing 2008
3) Hooking mortality: A review for recreational fisheries 1994
Ciekawe stwierdzenie choć myślę, że odnoszące się do rodzaju przynęty niż haka.
Single hooks (especially when used in conjunction with natural baits) resulted in higher mortalities than treble hooks
4) Effect of Hook Type on Mortality, Trauma, and Capture Efficiency of Wild Stream Trout Caught by Angling with Spinners 2004
This study assessed short-term (48-h) hooking mortality, eye damage, jaw injury, and capture efficiency of three species of wild stream trout caught on size-1 Mepps spinners having barbed or barbless treble or single hooks. The mortality of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, brown trout Salmo trutta, and brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis was low (<4%). Hook types did not differ significantly in causing mortality or severe eye damage of rainbow trout or brown trout. Severe eye damage was evident on about 10% of the trout landed (range = 2% to 13%, depending on species). Jaw injuries were found on about 6% of the catch. Barbed hooks hooked and held more trout than barbless hooks and treble hooks hooked and held more trout than single hooks. Barbless single hooks were quicker to remove than the other hook types, but the difference was insufficient to reduce mortality. Our results do not indicate a biological advantage with the use of single- or barbless-hook spinners when caught wild stream trout will be released.
5) Barbed Hook Restrictions in Catch-and-Release Trout Fisheries: A Social Issue 1997
6) Hook Shedding and Mortality of Deeply Hooked Brook Trout Caught with Bait on Barbed and Barbless Hooks 2007
7) Capture Efficiency of Barbed versus Barbless Artificial Flies for Trout 2013
8) Effects of Catch-and-Release Angling on Salmonids at Elevated Water Temperatures 2010
9) Linking Angling Catch Rates and Fish Learning under Catch-and-Release Regulations 2006
10) Catch-and-Release Mortality of Spotted Seatrout in Texas 2006
11) Evaluating Recent Innovations in Bait Fishing Tackle and Technique for Catch and Release of Rainbow Trout 2003
12) The Influence of Norms and Consequences on Voluntary Catch and Release Angling Behavior 2013
13) Symposium Review: Catch-and-Release Fishing, a Decade of Experience 1989

Pozdrawiam ;)
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