Frank Sawer „Nymphs and the Trout"
Chciałbym napisać kilka zdań o książce, która na stałe zmieniła moje spojrzenie na temat Wędkarstwa Muchowego. Trafiłem na nią dość przypadkowo, gdy mieszkałem jeszcze w UK. Później zafascynowany jej treścią odkryłem, że jest to absolutna literatura obowiązkowa!!! Książka pod wieloma względami wybitna, stanowi refleksję autora o wędkarstwie muchowym, a w szczególności o metodzie dalekiej nimfy. Frank Sawer, człowiek legenda, „opiekun” the Upper Avon, poświęcił całe swoje życia studiowaniu rzeki oraz zachowań organizmów ją zamieszkujących. Zdumiewa formą, intryguje treścią…
To na jej łamach Frank opisał jak skonstruować słynne dziś na całym świecie nimfy Phesant Tail, killer Bug, Bow Buzzer i inne. Absolutna klasyka, wydana w 1970r.
Poniżej przedstawiam kilka fragmentów i zdjęć:
"An artificial nymph can be used with deadly effect throughout the trout season, but I think it is only during the months of July and August that it can give the fisherman the highest degree of sport, and the knowledge that he is accomplishing something beyond the powers of the ordinary wet or dry-fly enthusiast. During these two months the water of our chalk streams is usually at its clearest. There are days of sun blazing from cloudless skies, when not a breath of air disturbs the surface of the river; when it is possible for the angler to see every movement of a trout in the water, and, conversely, for the trout to see every movement of the angler, unless he uses the greatest caution in approach. Truly these are the days when the utmost enjoyment of nymph fishing can be obtained, for trout already have had a severe hammering with the dry-fly and most of them have a good knowledge of the fisherman and wiles.
At this time the wild trout of a river are really wild; the brilliant sunshine and unruffled, gin-clear water, gives them the opportunity to see every artifice the fisherman may present. Though a few flies hatch daily from the river, the clear dry atmosphere allows them to change quickly from nymph to dun; they leave the water almost immediately, and seldom give trout the chance to rise and take them from the surface. Yet trout are lying up in the water and are feeding; and a feeding trout can be caught if he is offered a good representation of the food he is taking. It is quite obvious that he is not feeding on surface borne food, so it must be on something under water.
A very long experience has left me astonished at the failure of fishermen to take the trouble to learn what flies may be expected on the water throughout the fishing months. Some do not even know that duns change into spinners, and cannot tell the difference between one and the other, even when held in the hand. I have encountered anglers who do not know that most of the river flies spend most of their life under water and that fish take them in various stages of their existence."
Książka Sawyer stała się inspiracją jak I źródłem dla wielu późniejszych publikacji poświęconych wędkarstwu muchowemu. Należy wspomnieć, że odwołuje się do niej sam Józef Jeleński w „W.M.” dopisując ją do bibliografii. Z Sawyera czerpie także jego słynny rodak Oliver Edwards w głośnych Essential Skills.
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